A couple times a month I teach Tai Chi and Yoga at local High Schools.
Something I enjoy doing when I see the young and in love holding hands, standing close, kissing etc. is to feel / recreate the electricity of that experience within my own body, with conscious awareness. First Chakra atomic energy implosion! Muscle memory from toes to crown chakra the joy and excitement! It is all there once again in my cellular vibration… I just match their frequency as I walk by, smiling at the joy that is released from their proximity. You believe that energy exists. You believe that "good vibes" exist. Don't just give out good vibrations, like the Beach Boys told us. Fill your own body with them. Activate your own physical cells to that high energy of Second Chakra Sexual excitement. Look at young people in love and lust. They do not see, hear or feel any difference between the two. It's the vibration you felt back when your brain/ body connections were still pure of consequences, and you were innocent of the evil intentions of man…. you were still unencumbered, and the unadulterated sensual vibration of being VITALLY ALIVE was in every part of your physical body. Take your body, your mind, and your spirit into a space and time continuum where the years and ravages of time never existed. Stay in that vibration long enough and often enough and you shift your genetic makeup… this is also a by-product of moving meditations like Yoga and Tai Chi. Smooth away the lines of concentration from between your eyebrows, and around your mouth as you fill your lungs with that frequency of deep invigoration. Feel the vitality of life force in each inhalation, as your exhalation releases toxins, metabolic waste, and stagnant energy. I am curious if this makes any sense to you. You must be in a body to FEEL. In the spiritual realms there is no body, no physical excitement, positive or negative.
"With some people, the threads in the tapestry of their lives are not strong because their personal strength has not been tested to create the character of a strong thread."
Surround yourself with happy people. Friends and family help you celebrate life's successes and support you in difficult times. Although it's easy to take friends and family for granted, these relationships need nurturing. Build up your emotional account with kind words and actions. Be careful and gracious with critique. Let people know that you appreciate what they do for you or even just that you're glad they're part of your life. "With every breath you take, you will understand the mechanics of the oxygen entering the lungs, then the bloodstream, and with the heart pumping, eventually feeding every cell in your body. . . on a physical level that positively effects the body, the mind and the emotions. Because feelings are real and tangible… they can be healed and feelings can be hurt." Michelle 1995
Although you may have thought, as many people do, that happiness comes from being born rich or beautiful or living a stress-free life, the reality is that people who have wealth, beauty or less stress are not neccessarily happier than those of us that don't enjoy those blessings.
I love to teach the way that I learned, by sharing. Through my grandmothers Native American teaching style, which is an Oral Tradition that teaches through the many experiences from which I have learned.
People who are happy seem to intuitively know that their happiness is the sum of their life choices, and their lives are built on the following pillars:
If you have been looking for happiness, the good news is that your choices, thoughts and actions can influence your level of happiness. It's not as easy as flipping a switch, but you can turn up your happiness level. Checkout my Laughter Classes I beleive that spirituality helps with stress relief.
Yoga, Tai Chi, QiGong are spiritual as well as physical and energetic practices. These movng meditations help us get in touch with our own spirituality. These are the most ancient ways of healing that must now work with Modern Medicine.
Our world is changing as every day new ailments are developing from the stressors of modern life: Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and Electromagnetic Sensitivities, Autoimmune diseases, and our Veterans are returning daily with physical, mental and emotional illnesses . . . . Western Medicine is limited to the physical body, and as skilled as it is, it cannot help them all. " I teach my students how to develop a positive attitude towards life with every Asana, and every Martial Art form they learn. In my classes students span time and space, as they embody Ancient Healing Modalities that have been in use for thousands of years."
... Chakras are spinning, Meridians are flowing, Nadi points are connecting, and the rhythm of the breath balances the Human Energy Fields, synchronizing the body with the electro-magnetic fields of the Earth. I believe our world is full of remarkable heroes. If not us, then who? |