YOGA is a synthesis of my Journeys
Breathwork: Pranayamic, Kundalini, Ujaii, Nadi shodhana
Plus: Mudras, Bandas, Chakras, Nadi points
Pratayara: "withdrawal of the senses...
...we do it in the dark!"
My first teaching certification was in Hatha Yoga. As a young dance student I was introduced to Hatha Yoga and began my first love affair with the biomechanics of Yoga.
The Pranayamic breath increased my performance stamina and endurance.
The asanas kept my limbs elongated, flexible and flowing. Before, after and during performances Yoga was the health insurance.
The word Hatha is a combination of two Sanskrit words. It translates as Ha = sun and
Tha = moon. It is the branch of Yoga that unites pairs of opposites, the positive sun and negative moon currents in the body, the polarities in nature known as Yin and Yang. It is all about uniting and balancing the body, and the mind with the breath.
Finding a great mat:
For an in-depth guide on yoga mats, check out Consumers Advocate review of eco-friendly, non-toxic yoga mats.
“Deep breathing techniques increase oxygen to the cells and are the most important factors in living a disease-free and energetic life. When cells get enough oxygen, cancer will not and cannot occur.”
Dr. Otto Warburg, President, Institute of Cell Physiology and Nobel Prize Winner. Dr. Warburg is the only person ever to win the Nobel Prize for Medicine twice and be nominated for a 3rd, regarding his work with Cancer cells.
Sanskrit terminology with Human Energy Fields
Yoga (yoke, union) creating a union of body, mind and breath; uniting physical and spiritual existence while spanning the physical and meta-physical dimensions
Buddhi ("she who is conscious, awake"): female higher mind, the seat of wisdom
Chakra ("wheel"): literally, the wheel of a wagon; figuratively a wheel of light; metaphorically, one of the psycho-energetic centers of the subtle body
In Buddhist yoga, five such centers are known
Hindu yoga and Ayuveda, seven major Chakra Energy enters, plus many minor centers
1st Muladhara-chakra at the base of the spine; Red light frequency
2nd Svadhishthana-chakra at reproductive organs, emotions, orange frequency
3rd Manipura-chakra at the navel, yellow light frequency, often off-center to left, by pancreas due to sugar consumption in our western diet
4th Anahata-chakra at the heart; green light frequency
5th Vishuddha-chakra or vishuddhi-chakra at the throat, royal blue
6th Ajna-cakra in the middle of the forehead between eyebrows, aka third eye
7th Sahasrara-chakra at the top of the head, crown
Cin-mudra ("consciousness seal"): a common hand gesture (mudra) in meditation (dhyana), which is formed by bringing the tips of the index finger and the thumb together, while the remaining fingers are kept straight; mudra for the first chakra
Hatha Yoga ("Forceful Yoga"): a major branch of yoga, developed by Goraksha and other adepts c. 1000 C.E., and emphasizing the physical aspects of the transformative path, notably postures (asanas) and cleansing techniques (shodhana), but also breath control (pranayama)
Mudra ("seal"): a hand position, gesture or position (such as cin-mudra, vajra-mudra)
Nadi ("conduit"): one of 72,000 or more subtle channels along or through which the life force (prana) circulates, of which the three most important ones are the ida-nadi, pingala-nadi, and sushumna-nadi
Nadi-shodhana ("channel cleansing"): Alternate nosteil breath; the practice of purifying the conduits, especially by means of breath control (pranayama)
Samsara: Reincarnation and higher birth.
Bhagavad-Gita ("Lord's Song"): Ancient written record of the teachings on Karma yoga (the path of self-transcending action), Samkhya yoga (the path of discerning correctly principles of existence), and Bhakti yoga (the path of devotion). It is the oldest full-fledged yoga book found embedded in the Mahabharata as given by the Deity Krishna to Prince Arjuna on the battlefield 3,500 years or more ago.
Super Brain Yoga is a fast simple drug free method of increasing mental energy that I teach. Brains of all ages can benefit from this technique. I especially teach it in my Chi for Children classes.
After doing the criss-cross-squatting sequence, EEG scans of the brain show the right and left hemispheres of the brain become synchronized. Watch this video
Plus: Mudras, Bandas, Chakras, Nadi points
Pratayara: "withdrawal of the senses...
...we do it in the dark!"
My first teaching certification was in Hatha Yoga. As a young dance student I was introduced to Hatha Yoga and began my first love affair with the biomechanics of Yoga.
The Pranayamic breath increased my performance stamina and endurance.
The asanas kept my limbs elongated, flexible and flowing. Before, after and during performances Yoga was the health insurance.
The word Hatha is a combination of two Sanskrit words. It translates as Ha = sun and
Tha = moon. It is the branch of Yoga that unites pairs of opposites, the positive sun and negative moon currents in the body, the polarities in nature known as Yin and Yang. It is all about uniting and balancing the body, and the mind with the breath.
Finding a great mat:
For an in-depth guide on yoga mats, check out Consumers Advocate review of eco-friendly, non-toxic yoga mats.
“Deep breathing techniques increase oxygen to the cells and are the most important factors in living a disease-free and energetic life. When cells get enough oxygen, cancer will not and cannot occur.”
Dr. Otto Warburg, President, Institute of Cell Physiology and Nobel Prize Winner. Dr. Warburg is the only person ever to win the Nobel Prize for Medicine twice and be nominated for a 3rd, regarding his work with Cancer cells.
Sanskrit terminology with Human Energy Fields
Yoga (yoke, union) creating a union of body, mind and breath; uniting physical and spiritual existence while spanning the physical and meta-physical dimensions
Buddhi ("she who is conscious, awake"): female higher mind, the seat of wisdom
Chakra ("wheel"): literally, the wheel of a wagon; figuratively a wheel of light; metaphorically, one of the psycho-energetic centers of the subtle body
In Buddhist yoga, five such centers are known
Hindu yoga and Ayuveda, seven major Chakra Energy enters, plus many minor centers
1st Muladhara-chakra at the base of the spine; Red light frequency
2nd Svadhishthana-chakra at reproductive organs, emotions, orange frequency
3rd Manipura-chakra at the navel, yellow light frequency, often off-center to left, by pancreas due to sugar consumption in our western diet
4th Anahata-chakra at the heart; green light frequency
5th Vishuddha-chakra or vishuddhi-chakra at the throat, royal blue
6th Ajna-cakra in the middle of the forehead between eyebrows, aka third eye
7th Sahasrara-chakra at the top of the head, crown
Cin-mudra ("consciousness seal"): a common hand gesture (mudra) in meditation (dhyana), which is formed by bringing the tips of the index finger and the thumb together, while the remaining fingers are kept straight; mudra for the first chakra
Hatha Yoga ("Forceful Yoga"): a major branch of yoga, developed by Goraksha and other adepts c. 1000 C.E., and emphasizing the physical aspects of the transformative path, notably postures (asanas) and cleansing techniques (shodhana), but also breath control (pranayama)
Mudra ("seal"): a hand position, gesture or position (such as cin-mudra, vajra-mudra)
Nadi ("conduit"): one of 72,000 or more subtle channels along or through which the life force (prana) circulates, of which the three most important ones are the ida-nadi, pingala-nadi, and sushumna-nadi
Nadi-shodhana ("channel cleansing"): Alternate nosteil breath; the practice of purifying the conduits, especially by means of breath control (pranayama)
Samsara: Reincarnation and higher birth.
Bhagavad-Gita ("Lord's Song"): Ancient written record of the teachings on Karma yoga (the path of self-transcending action), Samkhya yoga (the path of discerning correctly principles of existence), and Bhakti yoga (the path of devotion). It is the oldest full-fledged yoga book found embedded in the Mahabharata as given by the Deity Krishna to Prince Arjuna on the battlefield 3,500 years or more ago.
Super Brain Yoga is a fast simple drug free method of increasing mental energy that I teach. Brains of all ages can benefit from this technique. I especially teach it in my Chi for Children classes.
After doing the criss-cross-squatting sequence, EEG scans of the brain show the right and left hemispheres of the brain become synchronized. Watch this video
I discovered Kundalini Yoga
by accident, in San Jose. I found the rapid focused breathwork, and movements very exciting. I jumped in and the
next thing I knew I was qualified, certified, and teaching my own
Kundalini Yoga, is the yoga of awareness. Practioners believe it expands sensory sensitivity, enhances intuition and merges individual consciousness. I teach the Kundalini Breath of Fire in most of my Yoga classes. From the inside out, this breathing pattern stimulates the part of the brain that atrophies in Dementia and Alzheimer's. I teach this breath in combination with the Alternate Nostril Breath from Hatha Yoga. |
The Sivananda Yoga Center is in Santa Monica where each day I would Rollerblade to Yoga, and Kirtan practices. Kirtan is a style of call and response singing in Sanskrit, from India. Attending these daily practices, I evolved into a Sivananda Instructor.
Sivanada Yoga is a form of Hatha Yoga in which the training focuses on the health and wellness of the practioner. Contrary to most Yoga practices it often starts with savasana; the emphasis is on positive thinking and deep positive breathwork. |